Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kardball for Two

Outside, it's 35 degrees and drizzly, as March in Wisconsin drags on.  Inside, there's nothing on TV except reruns of "Hoarders."  Another boring evening for you and the old ball-and-chain?

Your options: (a.) dirty martinis and DJ Desmond at the night club; (b.) an 8:00 showing of Eddie Murphy's "Thousand Words"; (c.) exchanging sensual back rubs with imported aromatherapy lotions; (d.) Kardball for Two.  Which brings us to the subject of this blog post.

All Hands on Deck

Although Kardball is a team game, it can be played in one-against-one fashion. Batting is easy: for each at-bat, the single player just draws three cards. Pitching is easy, too.  The only awkward part for the single person on defense is handling the eight fielders' cards while also trying to pitch.

Your options: (a.) hold the fielders' cards in your mouth; (b.) lay your cards face down (or face up) on the table in front of you; (c.) lean your eight cards up against the sides of eight cans of PBR; (d.) the Kardball Dummy Fielder™ (KDF). Coming soon to the Kardball Store. (Some assembly required.)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kardball Second Anniversary

We stoop humbly and in awe before our open beer fridge door, as the Game of Cards turns well past 1000 years old, and the Game of Ball turns over 3000.  It makes the Kardball two-year anniversary seem so small.

But the greatness of a game is not measured in years.  It's measured by the number of iPhone apps sold.

To be a great game, you don't need corporate sponsorships, a cable channel or a Hall of Fame.  You need a case of PBR, a deck of cards, some paper and a pencil.  Games aren't great because they were once played by George Washington, or were described in Sir Isaac Newton's diary, or were invented by the Incas.  A game is great because it was revealed in a dream by a Supreme Being.

A game is great because it requires no more than a third-grade education.

Here's to you, Kardball, on the BIG 2.0.  Many happy returns .... 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Official Beer of Kardball

It is with great pleasure that we hereby announce Pabst Blue Ribbon as the Official Beer of Kardball. After taste testing hundreds of different beers on two continents, we have selected PBR for its flavor, price, and long acquaintance with the leisure pursuits of the common man.

Our Legacy of Good Taste

Kardball was the first baseball-themed card game to be played at a roasted bison dinner, and the first to have its URL imprinted on men's jockey shorts.  We are proud to continue setting these high standards in fashion and culinary circles.

As PBR was once known as the "beer that made Milwaukee famous," we hope to return the favor by making Kardball the "game that made Pabst Blue Ribbon famous."